Sunday, March 11, 2012

Henna for Pregnancy

In the Middle East, when a women finds out that she is pregnant, they will perform a henna ceremony. All the female friends and family members will be invited to participate in the ceremony. A woman will draw a flower around the pregnant women’s stomach with henna. The design will start from the navel and expands out. This normally occurs within the first three months of pregnancy. The other women at the party also get henna drawing, but they will have it on their hands instead. They also believe that if there is a solar eclipse, when a woman is pregnant, that she should smear mixed henna on her stomach. This is done because of superstition. It is believed that without it, the child will be born with a white birthmark anywhere on their body. They fear that the birthmark might be on the baby's face, so they are very cautious.

A pregnant women with henna design on her stomach
After the woman gives birth, the mother stays inside the house and is pampered with oils and honey for 40 days. On the 40th day, the mother will have a henna ceremony to celebrate her recovery and motherhood. Just like when she finds out that she is pregnant, close friends and family members will attend. This time instead of having henna drawn on her stomach, she will have it on her arms and legs. The other women will have it done on their hands as well.

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