There are three different ways you can apply henna. The basic version is a cone made from a plastic bag. Make sure the bag is durable; that way it won’t rip when you are applying henna. Use a thick square plastic bag. Twist it into a cone until the tip is very sharp, and put tape around it. Then fill it with henna, and make sure to close the opening with lots of tape so it doesn’t leak. Cut a small opening at the tip. The larger the opening, the thicker the henna line will be. Another way is using a syringe. You fill up a syringe with henna, and use a tip size you desire at the end. I personally don’t like this version because it is very tricky. You have to be very careful when pushing the henna. If you push too hard, it can squirt out a lot, and make a mess. The easiest way, and the one I use, is a plastic henna applicator. It is a small plastic bottle, with a variety of tip sizes you can choose from. It comes in one ounce and two ounce bottles. You fill up the applicator with henna, and choose the tip size you like. It is more controllable then the others. You squeeze the bottle on the sides to get the henna out, and start drawing. You can purchase the plastic wrap for the cones and applicators online.
Heena Cone |
Plastic Henna Applicator |
Henna Syringe |
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